Sunday, August 23, 2009

Visiting my dad.

Posted in by Sweet Melissa | Edit
I took a random <24 hour trip to Memphis this weekend and went to visit my dad's grave at Memorial Park. It's been over two years since he passed away, yet he never had a proper headstone. This weekend I saw the proof that my money-grubbing aunt was really being truthful when she said that she *finally* ordered the headstone. Words cannot express how happy and peaceful I felt when I saw that he finally had the respect of a proper gravesite.

As I knelt on the ground by his grave, I looked up and saw what looked like a disco ball hanging from a tree limb above his grave. As I looked closer, I saw that it was a large glittery Christmas ornament. I giggled at the thought of a disco ball hanging above his grave - he was a DJ on the side and really loved music. It couldn't possibly be a coincidence that someone had hung a disco-ball-looking Christmas ornament on that tree. :-)

My dad and I weren't very close, and didn't spend much time together until I was about 17 or so, but I respect that he did attempt to make up for lost time by being involved in my life. He wasn't a perfect parent, but no one is. I honestly believe that he did the best he could with the emotions and opportunities that he had, and I was happy to pay respects to his final resting place this weekend.


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